Campus Security Inspection
At midday of 20th December, two school inspectors, Principal Zhu Rensheng and Director Yang Haisheng arrived at Anqing Foreign Language School to supervise the campus safety work. Anqing Foreign Language School’s Vice Principal Yan Hongping, Principal Assistants Lu Dan and Lao Guolin as well as leaders with the Youth League Committee, the Logistics Department, the Catering Department and Resources Department welcomed the inspection team.
To be specific, the checking group adopted the on-site inspection mode and successively inspected the key areas such as the teaching buildings, the school canteen, the guard room and laboratories. The main checking contents included the following aspects: First, check the fire-fighting equipment to see whether the fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, emergency lights and emergency indication marks were adequately equipped and used normally; whether the emergency exit was smooth; whether the power lines were aging and check the electricity and fire condition of teachers’ and students’ dormitories. Second, the internal safety management of water and electricity facilities. Third, checking of potential safety hazard, for instance, the campus facilities and sports facilities. Fourth, inspection of Anqing Foreign Language School’s security work file, including the emergency evacuation drill plan and school security work emergency plan.
During the inspection, the checking group recognized and applauded the work of Anqing Foreign Language School in cultivating the safety awareness of teachers and students with publicity and education, eliminating potential safety hazard and laying emphasis on daily management, improving emergency capacity and organizing regular drills in addition to intensifying Anqing Foreign Language School’s security work.
Overall, this safety inspection further strengthened Anqing Foreign Language School’s high sense of responsibility, urgency and mission for campus safety work. As is known to all, there is nothing trivial about security and implementation is more important than mountains.






